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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Benefit from New Moon - 21st May 2012- Singapore time 7:47am

Moon phases control the tides and the crops. Are you aware that the frequencies emitting from moon also affect the frequencies of the mental body ie the mind of the body? For the first time in 26,000 years, positions of the Earth/Moon/Sun is in line with our Milky Way galactic core and the central star Alcyone in the Pleiadian Star System. The Earth dimension will commence an entire reboot of its operating system which includes our own bodily system. This New Moon eclipse is setting into greater momentum a new expression of a unified male-female power that is fully aligned with the Divine Will and Love-Wisdom aspect of Mother Father God. A portal of amazing power is opening during this time. New moon is the best time to manifest your desires and setting your goals. Here are some of the things that you can do to use the positive, growth energy of a New Moon: New moon Manifestation Ceremony. 1) Set 20-30minutes for this ceremony. 2) Cleanse the room with incense. 3) Light some candles. 4) List down all your desires. 5) Write yourself an ABUNDANCE CHECK. - In the check Pay to : Write your name - Sign the check " The Law of Abundance" - Do not put date and the amount in the check. - Put the check in a safe place and forget about it. - Relax and welcome your abundance at the right timing.


aycanela said...

thank you, angel. i just did everyting you wrote!

Angeline Song said...

Great Aycanela. :-) Have a great week.