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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Protect yourself from radiation

Radiation might make you think of nuclear power plants, radioactive wastes, and x-ray machines, in fact, radiation is energy in the form of waves or high speed particles and includes all forms of energy in the entire electomagnetic spectrum. Non-ionizing radiation, which includes radio waves, heat waves, and light waves are beneficial. It's the ionizing radiation that breaks chemical bonds in molecules and can damage DNA.

A good 82 percent of the radiation you are exposed to occurs naturally:
• Radon in soil and water 55%
• Cosmic radiation from the sun and other heavenly sources 8%
• Radiation from minerals in rock and soil 8%
• Radionuclides that have been in human bodies since the beginning of our species 11%

The remaining 18 percent comes from new manmade sources:
• Medical x-rays, 11%
• Nuclear medicine 4%
• Consumer products 3%

According to the Environmental Protective Agency, "By far, the largest radiation dose received by the public comes from smoking cigarettes. While cigarette smoke is not an obvious source of radiation exposure, it contains small amounts of radioactive materials which smokers bring into their lungs as they inhale. The radioactive particles lodge in lung tissue and over time contribute a huge radiation dose. Radioactivity may be one of the key factors in lung cancer among smokers." And that would apply to second-hand smoke as well.

The best thing to do is avoid as many exposures that may be harmful to your health as you can. Since some of the radiation you may be exposed to is in the form of waves, and other is in the form of radioactive particles, there are different precautions to take for each.

Engage in a monthly detox program is recommended.
Click here on how you could effectively detox your body.

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