Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Hooponopono- Cleanse painful memories and all problems will be resolved
As 2012 is coming to an end, let's start afresh 2013 with a brand new and pure heart.
This is a good meditation to ask for forgiveness and apprecite the person we love . "I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you, ...."
We are all born with a pure heart but as we grow, we pick up concepts that doesn't belong to us and go through painful life experiences. By meditating on Hoooponopono, it will help us to release all painful memories and all your problems will be resolved. Learn to let go, and let God. Peace be with you, Namaste.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Cure all illnesses in 3 minutes - Gregg Braden
Gregg Braden explains how the energy field of human emotions can manifest "miracles", whether it is healing or creating peace, when you apply conscious positive focus on what you want.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Spiritual Awakening for 12 Dec 2012
Are we walking in fear and pain?
Maybe it's time for us to transform ourself to connect to our spiritual being.
When we are connected, we will feel secure and feel the love from the divine.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
A spiritual awakening
Science and Arts co-exist with one another. They never separates. When using science and a person becomes to logical, it prohibits creativity. And creativity without science we can't have a solid foundation. Hence to lead a balance life, we...
need the science and arts to coming together as one. Spiritual awakening makes a person alive and realised a person's purpose in life. Spiritual awakening gives wisdom and helps us to understand the things that are happening in our life and around us.
Influencing body cells
Our cells has the intelligence to heal our mind, body and soul. If we dream it, we desire it, we can have whatever we want in life. Never give up dreaming and let it manifest our ideal life.
Friday, August 17, 2012
31st August 2012 Blue Moon Meditation
Meditation had been part of my life. I will feel very disconnected with the universe if I did not do my regular meditation. Negative energy is everywhere. People, environment etc. After each meditation, I always feel empowered and feel connected with the energy from the universe. Meditation helps to wash away my negativity and recharged me with pure energy. I begin to bend and twist spoons when I focus my energy during meditation. It's fun! :-)
We take medicine to heal a physical sickness, and inner medicine needs to be taken to heal the cause of disease. Meditation is that inner medicine. Using positive attitudes to heal ourselves.
Happiness is in the state of the mind..Since all our problems are caused by negative imprints left in our mind. Meditation not only helps us to recover from a particular disease but also it helps to heal all our problems in life. It helps to bring peace to our mind.
Full Moon meditation is a great opportunity for us to release any negativity habits, unwanted and toxic relationships etc.
There's a saying that says " Once in a blue moon" .
Full moon that rises twice in a month and the 2nd full moon in that month is call the Blue moon.
It is very rare and hence it's call the blue moon.
The coming blue moon falls on 31st August 2012.
Below are the schedules for the blue moon. The next one that is coming is on 2015!
Now I understand why my angels had been telling me to observe the moon phases.
31st August is a very special day to me and if I missed it, I will never be able to find a blue moon on 31st August again!
1999 January & March
2001 October & November
2004 July
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2009 December
2012 August
2015 July
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2020 October
Join our Meetup your angel for the Blue moon meditation!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Confidence and the Law of Attraction
Confidence is important when it comes to using the Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction is guided by your inner beliefs.
A low level of confidence means that your inner beliefs is not strong which will bring forth shaky results.
Here's how you can increase your confidence by:
1) Belief in yourself
Believe that we are all creators of our own life.
We face challenges in our life most of the time. Instead of seeing ourselves as victims, tell yourself that you have the ability to control the situation.
2) Confidence in the universe
Trust that the universe is working with you.
Universe will support whatever your beliefs are.
They will always respond to what your thought has projected to the universe.
They will always support you.
3)Confidence in the process
You may not experience the result in the initial stages.
However, do not doubt that the law of attraction doesn't work.
Continue to believe that the law of attraction is working.
Choose to believe eventhough you still have doubts.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
The power of full moon meditation.
People in this century can't live without mobile phones, tv, and computers. We schedule our time in our mobile phones. Upon reaching our home after a long day at work, we sit in front of the TV and have our dinner. Then head to our room to surf the net before going to bed. Isn't this a common lifestyle in the 21st century?
In the ancient time, people have a different lifestyle. They woke up early in the morning to the field to work on their crops and sleep early when the sun set.
People in the ancient time are more conscious and connected with mother nature.
The more we rely on technology to go about our life, the more we will be disconnected with nature.
When we are disconnected with nature, human beings feels more insecure about their life. (Mind, Body and Soul)
Full moon meditation is a good time to allow us to stop our busy lifestyle and listen to our inner being.
Benefits of full moon meditation:
De-stress and revatilise
Release bad habits
Send healing to your life, loved ones and the earth
Release any negative emotions in your life.
You might want to try the following full moon ritual :
Cleanse your aura.
Take a few deep breathes.
Do the grounding exercise.
Invite your guidance angels to come close to you.
See a healing white light coming in from your crown chakra and flow throughout your body.
Send this healing white light to your loved ones, your home and your country.
Send peace to the earth.
Then see the white light coming back to you.
Slowly open your eyes.
Write down on a piece of paper what are the things you want to release in your life.
(E.g., Sickness, meaningless relationship, negative emotions, etc)
Light up a candle and burn the note.
Burn away all the negative experiences in your life.
For safety reason, you can try to visualize all your negative experiences in your life burnt away by the candle flame.
Click here if you wish to submit a healing request for yourself or for your loved ones.
Besides doing the full moon meditation, taking vegetarian food for a day can help to increase your energy.
I'm planning to go to Fortune centre, Bugis with a group of friends to have lunch tomorrow. :-)
With love and light,
Hypnotist / Reiki Master.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Spiritual Awakening
This video reminds us that we are spiritual being in a physical body.
No matter how much challenges we have in life, learn to look beyond our circumstances.
We have the power to overcome these challenges when we learn to increase our consiousness and connect with the universe.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Gregg Braden: The Spontaneous Healing of Belief
We are energy and we have the ability to heal our life !
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Benefit from New Moon - 21st May 2012- Singapore time 7:47am
Moon phases control the tides and the crops. Are you aware that the frequencies emitting from moon also affect the frequencies of the mental body ie the mind of the body?
For the first time in 26,000 years, positions of the Earth/Moon/Sun is in line with our Milky Way galactic core and the central star Alcyone in the Pleiadian Star System. The Earth dimension will commence an entire reboot of its operating system which includes our own bodily system. This New Moon eclipse is setting into greater momentum a new expression of a unified male-female power that is fully aligned with the Divine Will and Love-Wisdom aspect of Mother Father God.
A portal of amazing power is opening during this time.
New moon is the best time to manifest your desires and setting your goals.
Here are some of the things that you can do to use the positive, growth energy of a New Moon:
New moon Manifestation Ceremony.
1) Set 20-30minutes for this ceremony.
2) Cleanse the room with incense.
3) Light some candles.
4) List down all your desires.
5) Write yourself an ABUNDANCE CHECK.
- In the check Pay to : Write your name
- Sign the check " The Law of Abundance"
- Do not put date and the amount in the check.
- Put the check in a safe place and forget about it.
- Relax and welcome your abundance at the right timing.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Louise L. Hay - You can heal your life
This is a wonderful video about how you can HEAL YOUR LIFE!
Doing positive affirmation daily. I have a notebook that I write my positive affirmation EVERYDAY!
Take actions to support your affirmations and they will start to manifest.
Believe it!
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